Monday, May 30, 2011

May 30, 2011


So much to write... We heard that Osama Bin Laden is "dead.” My companion doesn't believe it. But I think it might be true. Tell me what happened exactly? Do you believe it? I also heard about the Royal wedding! And that is was the following day that the states killed Osama Bin Laden! But please tell me more as well. When will he be king? And what function does the Queen have anyway? Finally, we heard about this “end of the world” stuff... However Matthew 24: 30-39 teaches us that no one, not the angels, not Jesus Christ, no one but the father knows the time or date of the end of the world. So I'm not worrying! However, in Brazil there lives a ''Prophet'' who's predicted a lot of things that have happened (Twin towers falling, earthquake in japan) and now predicts that we'll have a bigger earthquake then Haiti here in Peru in June! Can't wait to see! Bahaha

So I am attaching the pictures again since they failed last week! I hope they work! They're basically the pictures of our tie burning ceremony and of the service that we gave to Teofilo. They were both great events, however the service for Teofilo was... dirty to say the least. I don't think I've ever seen so many cockroaches, spiders, black spider webs, fleas, or dirt in my life. Needless to say in the rooms where someone sleeps! So sad. It was very dirty and took a long time to clean, but the difference now is night and day, I wish you could see it! One of the pictures has a lot of specs in it, that's from all the dust in the air! However, it really is very fulfilling for me to be able to help those who are less fortunate than us and who really need the service. Now, I do not mean to say cleaning is fulfilling... but I suppose it is just when it's needed? Or when it's service!... Okay fine so maybe I've found a bigger appreciation for cleaning here on my mission. Perhaps I'll enjoy it as much as Jenn does one day! I think you need to experience it for yourself though; it really is very funny to see how many people sweep the dirt off... their... dirt. And  then they take buckets of water and splash it all over their dirt to make it dirtier and wet. So then my  shoes get all muddy and I slip all the time. Apparently it's to keep the dust down. If you could see this place you'd know that it doesn't work. It's still dusty, and still very dirty. I WANT RAIN! (ß Famous last words!)

Apparently Jarom is supposed to email me. I'm pretty sure he did actually, but I never receieved it. I just receieved one picture he sent me about my room completely transformed. Have you seen it? What has he done!! Ahhhh!! Please ask him to email me again with the pictures! If you read this soon, ask him to do it right away! I also need to write Kendra again. I wrote her 3 months ago, and she still has yet to respond to me! I'm holding a grudge now!

So here’s the juicy part...TRANSFERS: I'm not telling you anything! Mwahaha... okay fine, maybe I will. So I loved your predictions, however, they weren’t revelation, therefore it was wrong and that just makes you all false prophets! We've had a lot of people asking us about those lately what with all these predictions of earthquakes and natural disasters. Sorry for being a loser. This is what's happening! Elder Cruz... is leaving. Elder Hatt... is not leaving. I am now going into my 4th transfer here in Jardines! Woohoo! Can't wait... to... meet... new... people? If they exist? Aha no Elder Cruz is going to Lima to be closer to the hospital as he has some stomach problems where he can't eat very much food (that he doesn't like) without throwing it up (for forcing it down). My new companions name is..................................................................................Elder....................... Nuevito! That means Elder little new in Spanish. It's kind of cool you can distinguish meanings of words in spanish with the endings -Ito and -Ita. So Nuevo is new, but nuevito is little new. It doesn't make sense in English but it does here so that's all that matters. So yes, I will be training again this transfer! Wishhhhhhhhhh me luck! However, I feel much more prepared this time aha.

Oh guess what? Yesterday I taught an English class at the church. It went really well actually, I taught them about jobs! They learned quickly but the hardest part is the pronunciation. I think the hardest words were Lawyer and Administrative Assistant! I'll let you know when they've graduated Elder Hatt's english class for the english impaired. As to Baptisms... none yet! It's a bit of a dry phase right now, but we're
working hard every day to find new people!

Anyway I'm all out of time now. I hope this is email was sufficient for your little stomach (Stomach is Estamigo, little stomach is estamigito!).

Love you too much!

Elder Hatt

P.S. One of the pictures is me with Vanessa who's a member here. She's great and I asked her to write 
in my notebook and draw me a picture of Pooh but Canadianized. This was the result, isn't it awesome? I have learned to love Pooh a lot more down here since he's Canadian and he's very famous! But they 
have a very hard time believing me...

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