Hola Hola Hola!!
Wooo, so lot's to fill you in about this week! However... I'm again low on time, but I'll try to answer all your questions and fill you in as much as I can! Somewhat organized too, but no promises!
First of all, Transfers! I'm leaving! How anticlimatically written! Baha, but I'm going down to Lima tomorrow morning! My new companion is Elder Ochoa G., I know an Ochoa O, but he's not him... so I don't know him, but that's okay. We'll see! I'll be going down as a District Leader in charge of 6 other missionaries I think. I'm excited, we'll see how it goes! It'll be strange leaving here though.
I'm happy that you're happy to be home! And a little jealous honestly, but that's okay, what can I do! For this week, I want you to remember that almost any message can be returned back to the Restoration. A prophet is here to lead and guide us closer to God, to take our hand and teach what we can do. It's our choice to follow his words or not, receive God's blessings... or
not! The fact that God loves us enough to call another Prophet in this dispensation is really cool though, the fact that, even after crucifying his only begotten son, he loves us enough to give us another chance to return to him. Because that's our purpose here in the world! I could go on for hours, but to me, that's kind of what a prophet is. The bridge between our father
and his children!
So tell me, what was Sister Lavatai doing back in North Bay? Just visiting her mission? Is she getting married soon?! I can't believe Sister Barton is finishing so soon, gahh so fast! I
need to write that girl back!
Let me answer some specific questions for you!
What is on the agenda for today? Packing and saying goodbye to members and converts!!!
Were you able to get Breno the priesthood this week? Yes!! This following Sunday he'll be preparing the Sacrament and passing it!
What strange foods have you been fed this week? Nothing really strange this week! But our pension (I'm attaching a picture of me with her and her family) went to Lima to visit the temple so her daughter cooked for us... it was... interesting! It wasn't terrible, it was just very... different!! Delicious!
Have there been any more strange "holidays?". No, nothing yet!
Anyway, out of time now,
Until next week!
Love you lot's!
Your peruvian,
Elder Hatt
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